Artwork · Creative Courses

Henley-on-Thames School of Art…

I discovered The Henley on Thames School of Art last year - when I was looking for something creative to do that fits around working and making lampshades.
Thank goodness I discovered it! What a lovely place it is! It's a warm, welcoming, sunlit studio at the back of Hart Street, with a little courtyard. You'd never know it was there, unless you spot the little sign at the entrance to the alleyway...

Creative Courses

7 vital ingredients of great craft workshops

I haven't been to that many craft workshops but I've been lucky that the ones I have attended have been fab. The ones that made me go W O W were at The Make Lounge (now sadly closed) and at Homemade London. I remember leaving with an enormous sense of achievement and satisfaction that I had… Continue reading 7 vital ingredients of great craft workshops